- (an) addressed envelope
- конверт с написанным адресом
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
stamped addressed envelope — ➔ envelope * * * stamped addressed envelope UK US noun [C] UK COMMUNICATIONS ► SAE(Cf. ↑sae): »Unsuccessful applicants will only receive a reply if they provide a stamped addressed envelope. → … Financial and business terms
stamped addressed envelope — UK [ˌstæmpt əˌdrest ˈenvələʊp] US [ˌstæmpt əˌdrest ˈenvəloʊp] noun [countable] [singular stamped addressed envelope plural stamped addressed envelopes] british an sae Thesaurus: office supplies and other stationery … Useful english dictionary
self addressed envelope — ➔ envelope … Financial and business terms
pre-addressed envelope — UK US noun [C] ► an envelope with an address already written or printed on it to make it easier to send a reply or return something: »We have provided a pre addressed envelope for your convenience … Financial and business terms
self-addressed envelope — UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION sae) COMMUNICATIONS ► an envelope that you send someone with your own name and address on it, so that they can send you something in the mail: »Send a self addressed envelope to this address … Financial and business terms
stamped addressed envelope — UK [ˌstæmpt əˌdrest ˈenvələʊp] / US [ˌstæmpt əˌdrest ˈenvəloʊp] noun [countable] Word forms stamped addressed envelope : singular stamped addressed envelope plural stamped addressed envelopes British an sae … English dictionary
stamped addressed envelope — stamped addressed envelopes N COUNT A stamped addressed envelope is an envelope with a stamp on it and your own name and address, which you send to someone so that something can be sent back to you. The abbreviation s.a.e. is also used. [BRIT]… … English dictionary
self-addressed envelope — envelope that already has the delivery address written on it … English contemporary dictionary
stamped addressed envelope — noun (C) BrE an SAE; an envelope with your name, address and a stamp on it, which you send to a person or organization so that they can send you information; selfaddressed AmE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stamped addressed envelope — stamped ad.dressed envelope n BrE SAE an envelope with your name, address and a stamp on it, which you send to a person or organization so that they can send you information … Dictionary of contemporary English
envelope — en‧ve‧lope [ˈenvələʊp ǁ loʊp] noun [countable] a thin paper cover in which you put a letter ˌpadded ˈenvelope an envelope filled with soft material that is used for sending things which can easily be damaged ˌself adˌdressed ˈenvelope written… … Financial and business terms